Monday, June 2, 2008

Orgoo - Total email?

I have recently discovered a cool new service: Orgoo is a new web based application that aggregates all your email accounts into one place. This is something I have been wanting for a long time and I am excited to see how well it works.

I have always loved the functionality of outlook, with the reading panes, the multiple account aggregation, and the ability to create folders and sub-folders. However, it just isn't practical for me to have all my mail stored on one machine - I have a computer at the office, two at home, and sometimes I use someone else's machine. I need to be able to see all my new mail and my stored mail in one place, no matter where I am. Some of the online providers have the ability to organize in folders and access from anywhere, but then I have to check 4 different websites for my various accounts. Forwarding messages helps a little, but then I have to be very careful about which address I am using to reply to a given message.

Orgoo seems to be trying to solve this problem (and honestly I am surprised it has taken this long for someone to do it). They bring in various email accounts, allow organization in folders, and its all web based! For an added bonus, they can also aggregate all my chat clients.

So far the drawbacks are available services. Right now I can't integrate my free Hotmail or Yahoo accounts, only paid ones. I can bring in Gmail and any other POP3 service, as well as AOL and .Mac - but the 2 largest free email services definately need to be added. One other slight irritation is the fact that I need be on their page to use the chat function. It can be popped out, but then you still have to have a seperate browser window open for it to work.

Anyhow, I am looking forward to using the service a little more.

*Disclaimer* These guys are from USC (Fight-on!) and this author did also graduate from that fine university.

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