Saturday, May 17, 2008

So many sites, so little time

There is no question there are a number of great sites available to us on the web today, everything from photo sharing to social connections to blogging to games to art to . . . pretty much whatever you can think of. In fact if there is anything you can think of that isn't already out there, let me know so we can start it together. That seems to be the hard part these days, creating useful services on the web that aren't already being done by at least one or two others. A lot of the new start-ups out there seem to be tweaks or modifications to existing services. Don't get me wrong, many of these re-finishers can provide added value, and even lure away users (including me in some cases), so I am not complaining. But it does leave me wondering what some of the next big utilizations of the web will be....

Which brings me to the second half of this post. With all these useful sites, I want to use all of them. However, this leaves me with a new problem - management (I wrote a funny post about this on the blog). Last time I checked I had 61 log-ins for various sites, and I am sure this doesn't include everything. With that many sites I can spend my entire day just checking my various profiles and accounts, before I even try to upload any new content or interact with any friends.

Aggregation seems to be the thing these days, and given my points above, it seems logical that someone will make some progress in this space. I look forward to using these sites, like Friendfeed, spokeo, twitter, etc... to see if any of them are getting it right.

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